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File locked by user...

From: James Depaul
Subject: File locked by user...
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 12:20:40 -0600

Not sure of the exact sequence of events, but we have a problem where one of the directory/file is hopelessly locked by a user (reedc), who was trying to move the file from one directory to another directory in the same project. Somehow this operation was not successful and now we have a bit of an inconsistency issue we're dealing with...

There are now some strange inconsistencies in his workspace - his workspace looks right, but we all see the old file in the same old undesirable location, yet he dones't have any pending changes going out to the Repository and we don't see anything coming in when we Synchronize. Any attempts by anyone else to delete and commit the changes locally result in this error message:

remove -l -f meeting/minutes/Automated eSD Deployment Toolkit (ADT) Detail Design - Web App Component v1.1.doc
cvs remove: scheduling `meeting/minutes/Automated eSD Deployment Toolkit (ADT) Detail Design - Web App Component v1.1.doc' for removal
cvs remove: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanently
Command Finished.
commit -m "Deleting the file permanently for Reed - JJD" meeting/minutes/Automated eSD Deployment Toolkit (ADT) Detail Design - Web App Component v1.1.doc
Removing meeting/minutes/Automated eSD Deployment Toolkit (ADT) Detail Design - Web App Component v1.1.doc;
cvs [commit aborted]: Revision 1.1 is already locked by reedc

In our environment we can utilize Rational Devloper 6.0.1, or SmartCvS 5.1.2 or cygwin command interface 1.11.22 (client/server).

Is there a way to force that Lock OFF of that resource so the file/directory can be deleted and properly committed?


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