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commitinfo stopped working!

From: Tom Marsh
Subject: commitinfo stopped working!
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 15:06:08 -0500 (EST)

Dear info-cvs:


We're running cvs on HPUX, and built a good sized set of rules for 
directories in commitinfo. All our developer connections come in 
through pserver.

commitinfo is something like this:

CVSROOT     /usr/cvs/stuff/CVSROOT/
XXBLAH.*/install /usr/cvs/stuff/CVSROOT/
XXBLAH.*/reports /usr/cvs/stuff/CVSROOT/
DEFAULT     /usr/cvs/stuff/CVSROOT/

We want to control the names of directories that get created. All of a 
sudden, it seems like commitinfo is getting ignored, as we're getting 
names of directories not specifically allowed by our commitinfo!

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Tom

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