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[igraph] Problem with edge weights after rewire()

From: Matthias Ekman
Subject: [igraph] Problem with edge weights after rewire()
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 05:09:40 -0800 (PST)

Dear all,

thanks for the amazing package!

I stumbled upon an issue with the rewire() function of the igraph python bindings. I am trying to rewire a weighted network while preserving the degree distribution. Please see the attached gist for an self-contained example of how to reproduce my issue:

After applying ``rewire()`` the edge values are replaced by 'None'. Does the rewire function allow for randomization of weighted networks at all? Is there a function in igraph that allows to preserve the strength/weighted degree distribution instead of 'just' the degree distribution?

I am new to the analysis of weighted graphs and I am geting the impression that people tend to randomize weighted networks in a way that preserves the degree distribution and globally shuffle the weights (e.g. seen in [1]). Is that correct?

I am running:

In [3]: ig.__version__
Out[3]: '0.6'

and Python 2.6.6

[1] Opsahl, T., Colizza, V., Panzarasa, P., Ramasco, J. J., 2008. Prominence and control: The weighted rich-club effect. Physical Review Letters 101 (168702). arXiv:0804.0417.


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