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[igraph] Translation of R commands into Python

From: Lorenzo Isella
Subject: [igraph] Translation of R commands into Python
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 16:37:15 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)

Dear All,
Some time ago I posted a small R script with a basic analysis of a real graph. I am trying to do the same with Python, but I am experiencing some problems, mainly due to the fact that I am not at ease with the automatically generated documentation of the Python module and I have not been able to find much online (have I looked in the wrong places?). Below you can find a list of igraph commands under R (mainly taken from that previous email of mine). Apart from reading the graph from a two-column matrix, all the other commands simply assume that there is a graph g. What I would really like to see is how these commands for the igraph R bindings translate into commands for the Python bindings.
Many thanks


# Now I have the graph as a two-column matrix

g <- graph(t(graph_input_unweighted), directed=FALSE)

g <- simplify(g)

#degree of each vertex

dd <- degree(g)

pfit <- power.law.fit(dd)

#Now calculate graph diameter

d <- get.diameter(g)

#Now calculate the vertex betweenness
#and find the node with the highest betweenness

ver_bet <- betweenness(g)

#Now calculate the clustering coefficients (also called transitivity of a graph)

clust <- transitivity(g, type="local")

# calculate average nearest-neighbour degree

knn <- graph.knn(g)

#knn$knnk lists the average nearest neighbour degree for vertices having at least one neighbour

#Now get the shortest paths in the network

mean_shortest_path <- average.path.length(g)

#Now consider the neighbourhood of the graph (the final purpose is to calculate # the average number of nodes within a distance x from a general node in the graph )

#I know the graph diameter, i.e. the longest shortest path. Since d stores actually # the nodes in the graph diameter, the length of the diameter (number of edges)
# is actually length(d)-1

M_l <- seq(length(d)-1)

for (i in seq(length(d)-1)){

M_l[i] <- mean(neighborhood.size(g, i, nodes=V(g)))


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