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Re: [igraph] community detection algorithm

From: uxzmdlj02
Subject: Re: [igraph] community detection algorithm
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:26:50 -0600

Oops, important caveat:
In that first implementation it's possible for two distinct groups to end up with the same label. The paper describes this on page 9. I fixed it, though not particularly elegantly, in the way they suggest. After the main algorithm runs, cycle through the groups and rename any with multiple components by appending ".0",".1",... to the end of the group names. Also, experimenting, the algorithm can give very different results for different runs. It seems like the more ticks it takes to finish the finer-grained the community structure.
Here's the fixed version:

largeScaleCommunity <- function(g,mode="all"){
    V(g)$group <- as.character(V(g))
    thisOrder <- sample(vcount(g),vcount(g))-1
    t <- 0
    done <- FALSE
        t <- t+1
        done <- TRUE ## change to FALSE whenever a node changes groups
        for(i in thisOrder){
            ## get the neighbor group frequencies:
            groupFreq <- table(V(g)[nei(i,mode=mode)]$group)
            ## pick one of the most frequent:
newGroup <- sample(names(groupFreq) [groupFreq==max(groupFreq)],1)
            if(done){done <- newGroup==V(g)[i]$group}
            V(g)[i]$group <- newGroup
    ## now fix any distinct groups with same labels:
    for(i in unique(V(g)$group)){
        ## only bother for connected groups
            theseNodes <- V(g)[group==i]
            theseClusters <- clusters(subgraph(g,theseNodes))
            ## iterate through the clusters and append their names
            for(j in unique(theseClusters$membership)){
                V(g)[theseNodes[theseClusters$membership==j]]$group <-

On Dec 15, 2008, at 11:33 AM, Peter McMahan wrote:

I like the algorithm, nice idea.
I punched out a quick and dirty function for it in R (below). `g` is an igraph object. `mode` can be one of "in", "out", or "all", specifying how group labels should propegate (`mode` is simply passed to the nei() iterator). The returned graph has a new vertex attribute called "group". (just tested it on a couple of small graphs, so don't know about run time or bugs)

largeScaleCommunity <- function(g,mode="all"){
   V(g)$group <- as.character(V(g))
   thisOrder <- sample(vcount(g),vcount(g))-1
   t <- 0
   done <- FALSE
       t <- t+1
       done <- TRUE ## change to FALSE whenever a node changes groups
       for(i in thisOrder){
           ## get the neighbor group frequencies:
           groupFreq <- table(V(g)[nei(i,mode=mode)]$group)
           ## pick one of the most frequent:
newGroup <- sample(names(groupFreq) [groupFreq==max(groupFreq)],1)
           if(done){done <- newGroup==V(g)[i]$group}
           V(g)[i]$group <- newGroup

On Dec 13, 2008, at 9:11 PM, Rajarshi Guha rguha-at-indiana.edu | igraph-help| wrote:

Hi, I came across a community detection algorithm


which appears to avoid the need for minimizing an objective function. Are there any plans/interest on including this into igraph?

Rajarshi Guha  <address@hidden>
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