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[VCDImager] errors when creating an actual VCD

From: Erik
Subject: [VCDImager] errors when creating an actual VCD
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 14:43:38 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.17i

Ok, i've created an mpeg with the following:

mpgenc(from MJPEG tools) for the video
toolame for the audio

mplex(from MJPEG tools) for the multiplexing

according to mplex the following is the specifics of this video clip

   INFO: Horizontal size:      352
   INFO: Vertical size  :      240
   INFO: Aspect ratio   :   1.0950 CCIR601, 525 line
   INFO: Picture rate   :   23.976 frames/sec
   INFO: Bit rate       : 1152000 bits/sec
   INFO: Computed rate  :  1152000 bits/sec
   INFO: Peak     rate  :  1139200  bits/sec
   INFO: Bit rate       :    28672 bytes/sec (224 kbit/sec)
   INFO: Frequency      :     44100 Hz
   INFO: Mode           :        0 stereo
   INFO: best-guess multiplexed stream data rate    : 1410000

here is the final output:
-rw-rw-r--    1 journey  users    699075468 Jun 30 13:19 My_Movie.mpeg

according to plaympeg it is:
        Total time: 3966.293333

Now here is my problem:  when i run:
        vcdimager -l 'my movie' My_Movie.mpeg

it outputs the following
  INFO: scanning mpeg track #0 for scanpoints...
**ERROR: mpeg scan: pack header code expected, but 0x000001c0 found (buflen = 

I cant find what this means in the documentation, so thought i would ask here.
Any help could be appreciated.

Erik Bernhardson
It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak and
remove all doubt.
        -- Abraham Lincoln

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