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Re: [help-texinfo] Errors related to images when using makeinfo

From: Nicolas
Subject: Re: [help-texinfo] Errors related to images when using makeinfo
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 20:58:49 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

Hello Karl,

On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 07:20:07PM -0600, Karl Berry wrote:
>     the png images to pdf in order to generate the pdf. It will add a
>     dependency to our application: imagemagick.
> Well, readers of your document don't have to have imagemagick -- only
> you do (or others who modify it).  Assuming you distribute the
> pdf/html/etc. output files, which seems like it is your plan.

The manual will be distributed with the program sources. I prefer not to
ship the .pdf (images) files with it, since that'd increase the archive
size, and increase bandwidth consumption on the server.
Adding one dependency to the program (imagemagick) will however
required. That's why being able to use pdf2tex without having to use
.pdf images would be a nice feature.

>     I assume the ".txt warnings" aren't that important, are they?
> Based on the xml output you got, it seems they are indeed spurious.
>     <para><imageobject><imagedata><textobject></para>
>          <indexentry fileref="images/videoscope.pdf" 
> format="PDF"></indexentry></textobject><textobject>
> That closing </para> after the <textobject> is probably causing the
> trouble, but it's not obvious to me how to fix it.
> Also the <indexentry> confuses me, because what do index entries have to
> do with images?  And why is it indexing an image?  It seems makeinfo is
> doing something wrong here.
> Unfortunately I've done very little with the Docbook output (it was
> contributed), but maybe I'll be able to look at it, or (even better)
> someone else.

OK. We need to convert the texinfo file to docbook to "feed" yelp.

> It would help if you made a simple input file just trying
> to include one image, with the image in same dir as the document
> (assuming it still fails, which I'm guessing it will).  Could you do
> that?

For sure, Karl. Here it is:

Thank you very much for your help! =)

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