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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Documentation syntax

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Documentation syntax
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 17:33:05 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060719)

I don't really know what you mean by "an online documentation system",
so I might still be persuaded, but I don't really see the need for the

Take this method:

PositionableStream >> copyFrom: start to: end
    "Answer the collection on which the receiver is streaming, from
     the start-th item to the end-th"

    ^collection copyFrom: start to: end

Arguably, this comment doesn't tell us anything that isn't self-evident,
but anyway, how would you mark it up so that it gives us more information?
I agree that, in general, Smalltalk methods tend to be small enough that nobody felt the need for markup. However, I think it would not be bad to support some kind of markup, especially a very simple one.

For example, some Texinfo commands could be recognized and subject to special treatment. For Texinfo, the @ would not be escaped @var{start}; for HTML, a suitable markup could be produced. For example, the above could be written as

   "Answer the collection on which the receiver is streaming, from
    the @var{start}-th item to the @var{end}-th"

I believe that this could help the readability of the manual--OTOH it would hinder the readability of the source code. Maybe we need a simpler coding, like

   "Answer the collection on which the receiver is streaming, from the
    @{start}-th item to the @{end}-th.  address@hidden and @{end} are not 
    to be less than or equal to the stream's position!_"

i.e. @{XXX} becomes @var{XXX} or <i><tt>XXX</tt></i>, and _abc_ becomes @emph{XXX} or <strong>XXX</strong> (respectively for Texinfo and HTML).


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