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Re: How to load a text file?

From: George
Subject: Re: How to load a text file?
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 20:09:59 -0800

I downloaded the "latest version" from
"Looking for the latest version? Download Octave-3.2.4_i686-pc-mingw32_gcc-4.4.0_setup.exe (73.0 MB)"

Running Octave 3.2.4

I got textread working a little. It can read the file. How would you parse the following format into 2 arrays (or one 2D array)? The number is the first column, everything to the right of the first comma is in the second column. If that is not possible, I can change the comma to another character.

1,text text text, text text
2,text text text, more text
3,more text and text

Thank you for your help!

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Ben Abbott <address@hidden> wrote:
On Dec 15, 2011, at 8:43 PM, George wrote:

> How do you load a text file in Octave?
> I tried textread and textscan, but got errors or unknown command.
> Also, how do I know if I need a package for a given command? The documentation doesn't say:

What version of Octave are you running?

I suspect it is dated (older than the documentation you reference above).

It is possible that there are packages for Octave which include the functions you need. What OS are you running? Is there an "i/o" package available for it?


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