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Re: multiplying matrices into tensors?

From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Subject: Re: multiplying matrices into tensors?
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 19:14:59 -0500

Tenser, said the tensor...

On 3 August 2011 17:23, James Cloos <address@hidden> wrote:
> I have a pair of matrices, such as:
> a = [  0  20  10 -10 -20   0 ;
>     -25  -5  15  15  -5 -25 ;
>       0   0   0   0   0   0 ;
>       5   1   1   1   1   5 ]
> b = [ 0  100  100    0   0  100  100    0   0  100 ;
>      0    0  100  100   0    0  100  100   0    0 ;
>      0    0    0    0   0    0    0    0   0    0 ;
>      1    1    1    1   1    1    1    1   1    1 ]
> representing lists of points where each column is an xyzw point in
> R³P.
> (In this case they are actually lists of points in R²P, but the
> underlying storage always stores in R³P and wants them ordered
> as above.)
> I need to mupliply the points together piecewise to generate a 3-d
> tensor representing a 2-d array of xywz points, using the typical:
>             $[ c_{i,j} = a_i × b_j $]
> formulation.

I'm not sure if I understand, but I imagine you want something like

     c = bsxfun(@times, permute(a,[3,2,1]), permute(b,[2,3,1]))

The multiplication of points is elementwise, right? You didn't intend
to contract indices? You can do sum(c,3) if you wanted a 10 by 6
matrix of the (real) inner products. If you wanted some other
generalised transpose of c, just play around with permute until you
get the dimensions in the order you want.

- Jordi G. H.

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