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Re: Another fsolve question -- Beginner

From: Przemek Klosowski
Subject: Re: Another fsolve question -- Beginner
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 17:17:12 -0400
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On 05/26/2011 01:04 PM, MMolloy wrote:
Hi all,

I have had a look and can't seem to find a post which answers my question -
apologies if there is one. My question is probably pretty simple but I'm
having a hard time of it because I'm new to Octave - especially functions in

I'm running;
Ubuntu Lucid x64
Octave 3.2.3 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.

The problem:

function y = f (x)
y = zeros(10,1)
load E1.csv;
for i=1:10
y(i) = (1.14.*exp(-x(i)./1.14)) .- (3.79.*exp(-x(i)./3.79)) .- E1(i)
load RG1.csv
[x, fval, info] = fsolve(@f, RG1);

OK, but consider that the solver executes your function repeatedly, so the file E1.csv is being re-read continuously, which has got to hurt the execution time. Read it once into a global variable, and use 'global E1' within the function f() and in the main function.

Also, end your lines in semicolons, because otherwise you get printouts of computed values from those lines.

Also, you're working too hard: your 1:10 loop with element-by-element operations should use Octave's vectorized notation,
 y=(0.1.*exp(-x./0.1)) - (0.33.*exp(-x/0.33)) - E;

My problem is that the matrices for B and E (which I compute elsewhere) have
a size of [10000,1]. So when I use this;

I think that maybe all this re-reading is leaking some temporary storage. Please try rewriting the code and report back if it helped; if it didn't, please provide the data so that we can run your code for ourselves to see what is happening.

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