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Re: "errors" when running plot

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: "errors" when running plot
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:08:27 -0400

On Wednesday, June 10, 2009, at 12:29PM, "ws" <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I assume you're just wanting to suppress output to a window? If not, can you 
>describe what behavior it is you desire?
>> If you'd like to suppress displayed output, you can begin our Octave session 
>>     set (0, "defaultfigurevisible", "off")
>> That will suppress output to a window, but the print command will still work.
>Thanks Ben -- I am almost there.  I made the following changes to 
>octavehome/share/octave/site/m/startup/octaverc, and plotting works great:
>putenv('DISPLAY', '')
>putenv('GNUTERM', 'png')
>gnuplot_binary ('/home/wsprague/gnuplot-4.2.5/bin/gnuplot')
>set (0, "defaultfigurevisible", "off")
>However, I am still getting "warning: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not 
>errors when I start up.  Since I am running completely "X-less" (graphing 
>highway vehicle traffic using a cron job), I would like to make this go away 
>if nothing else, for the sake of good craftsmanship.
>Thanks to Ben and all Octave users and developers!

Try using

putenv ("GNUTERM", "windows")

But don't set this to a bitmap (such as png), as that will only work when an 
output file is provided (i.e. when printing).

I do not know why you get the x11 error. Do you get it when you run gnuplot 
direclty and enter the commands below?

set term png
set output test.png
plot sin(x)


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