function [X] = BlackScholesEuro %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Computes the Black-Scholes European Call/Put Option Values based % on the following inputs: % CallPut = Call = 1, Put = 0 % AssetP = Underlying Asset Price % Strike = Strike Price of Option % RiskFree = Risk Free rate of interest % Time = Time to Maturity % Volatility = Volatility of the Underlying % Please note that the use of this code is not restricted in anyway. % However, referencing the author of the code would be appreciated. % To run this program, simply use the function defined in the 1st line. % % address@hidden % Kevin Cheng (Nov 2003) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tic; CallPut=1; AssetP=100; Strike=100; RiskFree=0.1; Time=1; Volatility=0.2; dt = Volatility * sqrt(Time); df = RiskFree + 0.5 * Volatility ^ 2; % Computes the drift term d1 = (log( AssetP / Strike ) + df * Time ) / dt; % Calculates the d1 term used in Black-Scholes d2 = d1 - dt; % Calculates the d2 term used in Black-Scholes % The cumulative normal distribution functions for use in computing calls nd1 = normcdf(d1); nd2 = normcdf(d2); % The cumulative normal distribution functions for use in computing puts nnd1 = normcdf(-d1); nnd2 = normcdf(-d2); if CallPut % Computes call price CallPrice = AssetP * nd1 - Strike * exp(-RiskFree * Time) * nd2; X = CallPrice; end if ~CallPut % Computes put price PutPrice = Strike * exp(-RiskFree * Time) * nnd2 - AssetP * nnd1; X = PutPrice; end toc;