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Re: Balancing linear systems

From: Thomas Shores
Subject: Re: Balancing linear systems
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 20:04:40 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080723)

Marco Caliari wrote:
Dear all,

I would like to discuss the following example. Consider the (badly scaled) matrix A given by

n = 10;
B = rand(n);
d = 10.^linspace(-14,4,n)';
A = diag(d)*B;

and the right hand side b

b = d.*(B*ones(n,1));

It is clear that the exact solution of Ax=b is ones(n,1). If you try

x = A\b

you get the following warning

warning: matrix singular to machine precision, rcond = 8.1733e-20
warning: attempting to find minimum norm solution

(which is fine to me, the matrix A is really ill-conditioned). On the other hand, if you balance your system

d1 = max(A,[],2);
A = diag(1./d1)*A;
b = b./d1;

then x = A\b gives you a good solution. Is there any drawback in balancing, in any case, a linear system? I can't imagine a counter-example.

Best regards,

Help-octave mailing list
Scaling a coefficient matrix A by multiplication by a diagonal matrix, or more generally, balancing the matrix by multiplying on the left and right by a diagonal matrix, are methods which can improve the condition number of A. You gave an example of row scaling. Of course one objective of scaling is to reduce the condition number of the coefficient matrix as much as possible. Optimal scaling has been known for a long time (Bauer, 60s) but the method for obtaining it requires knowledge of the inverse of A, so it is impractical. Research on practical scaling methods continues to this day. The general advice of numerical analysts is that scaling should be applied on an ad hoc basis, with particular attention to what the source of the problem indicates about the coefficients in A. You can find balancing routines in LAPACK, but I don't think that they are applied as the default in any case.

You can find an extensive discussion in Forsythe and Moler (1967), "Computer Solutions to Linear Systems". One can actually make things worse by row scaling. As far as examples go, it's a bit difficult to show in octave because the system solver will use condition number to detect near singularity and use least squares/pseudo-inverse routines when such is detected. On paper, an example that illustrates this difficulty is

a = [eps/2 1 0; 1 1 4/eps; 0 0 1];
b = [1;2;0];

You can solve this system with paper and pencil symbolically and obtain an exact solution very near to [1;1;0]. To force Octave to use Gaussian elimination (with pivoting), solve the system by way of the PLU factorization and solve the resulting system by back solving:

x = u\(l\(p*b)) % since l*u = p*a and a*x = b, l lower, u upper and p a permutation matrix
x =


Pretty good. If you look at the permuation matrix p, you'll see that the first and second rows of a were interchanged, as should be with partial pivoting. Next, row scale the problem and compute the solution:

A = diag(1./max(abs(a),[],2))*a;
B = b./max(abs(a),[],2);
X = U\(L\(P*B))
X =


Pretty bad. Now look at P and you see that there were no row interchanges. The problem is that scaling caused a bad pivot element to be used in Gaussian elimination. BTW, in spite of that, row scaling did actually reduce the condition number of the coefficient matrix:

ans =  3.2452e+32
ans =  3.6029e+16

Finally, just for amusement, try calculating the determinant of the upper triangular u. Of course, we *know* what it should be, since the matrix is upper triangular (make sure it is via triu):

u =

  1.0000e+00   1.0000e+00   1.8014e+16
  0.0000e+00   1.0000e+00  -2.0000e+00
  0.0000e+00   0.0000e+00   1.0000e+00

ans = 0
ans =  1.0000

Clearly, octave (LAPACK) is not exploiting triangularity for upper triangular calculation.

Thomas Shores

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