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clear all breaks gnuplot?

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: clear all breaks gnuplot?
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 12:49:22 -0500

On  8-Feb-2006, Carlo de Falco wrote:

| Hi,
| I'm experiencing very strange behavior in plot
| I wonder if anyone has something similar.
| I am using octave 2.9.4 and gnuplot 4.0
| on both OSX tiger and linux RH 7.3 (with gcc 3.4)
| If ever I issue the command
| "clear all" at any point in a
| session, octave is no more able to print,
| I get errors like the following:
| '/usr/tmp/oct-KQRzpx'  "line 1" set nologscale;
|          ^
|          line 0: invalid command
| It seems that octave "forgets" the "plot" command
| in the gnuplot command line.
| But gnuplot_command_plot is still set to "pl"
| after "clear all":
| octave:2> gnuplot_command_plot
| gnuplot_command_plot = pl
| The error above was produced by the following
| simple script:
| -----------------
| clear all
| x=[0:.1:1];
| y=x.^2;
| plot(x,y)
| x=[0:.1:1];
| y=x.^3;
| plot(x,y)
| -----------------
| the first plot does not appear at all,
| the second produces the error.
| Thanks in advance for any help,

I think this problem is fixed in CVS.

Yes, we are overdue for a new 2.9.x snapshot.


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