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Re: octave-forge, grace, and fink

From: A Hodel
Subject: Re: octave-forge, grace, and fink
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:23:16 -0600

On Jan 11, 2005, at 2:56 PM, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:

Did you try installing gnuplot? Fink has it, and I know the HPC version of
octave requires it...


Thanks; yes, I have gnuplot and can convert to eps using my printeps script submitted a couple of years ago. octave-forge defaults to using grace, which appears to be part of my problem. I've temporarily reverted back to using only gnuplot.

On Jan 11, 2005, at 3:06 PM, Dmitri A. Sergatskov wrote:

A Hodel wrote:

octave:2> print -depsc 'testplot.eps'

I get a syntax error message on this one:
 octave:2> print -depsc 'testplot.eps'
parse error:

  syntax error

>>> print -depsc 'testplot.eps'

The octave-forge web site says to enter
to enable this type of syntax. Apparently print is not in my version of octave.

But print() works:
octave:3> print(" -depsc", "testplot.eps")
warning: in fopen near line 55, column 3:
warning: fopen: default open mode is now binary

(I am using 2.1.64)

I'm working with 2.1.53. That may be the problem. The mac fink installer has octave-2.1.57 in the unstable branch as well as an updated version of octave-forge. I'll give them a try and see if that fixes things.

Thank you both.

A Scottedward Hodel, PhD, Associate Professor
Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 200 Broun Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5201
(334) 844-1854  Fax: (34) 844-1809

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