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Re: fftshift help in octave 2.1.35, incorrect?

From: Roberto Hernandez
Subject: Re: fftshift help in octave 2.1.35, incorrect?
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:46:44 -0300
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Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 03:40:58PM -0500, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:

- Function File:  fftshift (V)
    Perform a shift of the vector V, for use with the `fft' and `ifft'
    functions, in order the move the frequency 0 to the center of the
    vector or matrix.

    If V is a vector of E elements corresponding to E time samples
    spaced of Dt each, then `fftshift (fft (V))' corresponds to

         f = linspace (-E/(4*Dt), (E/2-1)/(2*Dt), E)

Yes, it's a bug :)

You're right. Fortunately it's only a bug in the help text, the function works well. Have you sent the patch to bug-octave?

The way I understand the fourier transform, I would believe that the
highest frequency you would get out of an fft would be half the sampling frequency. E.g. if you sample at 44.1kHz, from an fft you should get a spectrum from -22.05kHz to nearly 22.05kHz.


True for even number of samples. If the number of samples is odd, the spectrum samples would go from -a to a, where a is a positive number such that a < samplerate/2 (notice that's a strict less than). In fact, for E odd, a = (E-1)/(2*E) * samplerate.

I guess the best way to look at it is the following. The distance between frequency samples (f0) is given by (for E odd or even) f0=fs/E, where fs is the sampling frequency and E is the total number of samples. So the samples will be located at frequencies: ..., -2*fs/E, -fs/E, 0, fs/E, 2*fs/E, ... If E is an odd number then there is no integer n such that (n*fs/E = fs/2).

I would suggest

 samplerate = 1/Dt
 f = -samplerate/2 : samplerate/E : samplerate/2-samplerate/E

Non-interger step in loop is a classical bug (see any beginners book for
programming) :(

I always use a formula:

  f = (-E/2:E/2-1)/E/Dt

I assume that E is even (i don't know how calculate it if E is odd).

If E is odd, the expression would be:

f = ( -(E-1)/2 : (E-1)/2 ) / E/Dt

The following will give you the frequency vector, independent of whether E is odd or even:

f = (0:E-1) / E/Dt;
a = (f >= 1/(2*Dt));
f(a) = f(a) - 1/Dt;
f = fftshift(f);


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