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RE: execution speed in *oct files

From: Van den Eynde Gert
Subject: RE: execution speed in *oct files
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:24:11 +0200

jwe says:

> I do understand that desire to have a better interface to these
> subroutines (that's why I decided to wrap them in C++ classes) but I
> don't fully understand the motivation for converting the original
> Fortran code to C.  My reasoning for leaving the original code mostly
> alone was along the lines of `if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.
> I'm assuming that these translations are done at least partly, if not
> completely, by hand, so if someone does make a bug fix or release a
> new version of any of these packages (although relatively infrequent,
> it does happen -- daspk is a newer version of dassl, for example) then
> you have to work the fixes back into your translated version instead
> of just updating the Fortran sources.  To me, that seems like a lot of
> unnecessary work and also maybe asking for some trouble.

Another issue in this matter is credibility. When Octave uses these
classics, like QUADPACK and so on, we know that they work. Or at least
we have a big confidence in them because they are on Netlib, because 
everybody uses them, etc. If you start translating (and thus changing) 
the orginal code, confidence drops to a low level. At least in my case :-)



| Gert Van den Eynde                      mailto:address@hidden |
| SCK-CEN             |
| Reactor Physics                                                   |
| Boeretang 200                                                     |
| B-2400 Mol               .oooO                                    |
| Belgium                  (   )   Oooo.                            |
|___________________________\ (____(   )____________________________|
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