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Re: help octave

From: Oscar Marquez [GTS]
Subject: Re: help octave
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 14:13:38 +0100 (WET DST)

Shu-Kit Yeung write:
|>  Hi,
|>  Can anyone help me with using "fscanf". My problem is:
|>  Say the input file named "num" is :
|>  pp = 898
|>  uiu = 8990
|>  990
|>  008
|>  then in octave:
|>  >kk = fopen("num","r");
|>  >frewind(kk)
|>  >k = fscan(kk,"pp = %f")
|>  k = 898
|>  >k = fscan(kk,"uiu = %f")
|>  warning: fscanf: invalid conversion
|>  error: value on right hand side of assignment is undefined


Francesco  Potorti` (address@hidden) wrote a simple and useful
script to read ascii files. Take a look at


Oscar W. Marquez F.             Universidad de Vigo
address@hidden          ETSI de Telecomunicacion
Tel. ++34-86-812 133            Lagoas-Marcosende 
Fax. ++34-86-812 116            E-36280 Vigo - Spain

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