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Re: Indexing "1-vectors"

From: John Eaton
Subject: Re: Indexing "1-vectors"
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 95 00:34:58 CST

I believe that I have fixed this for 1.1.1, which should be available
within a few weeks to fix bugs found in 1.1.0.

Given a scalar variable S, Octave now allows assignments like

  S (0)      = []  ==>   S
  S (0, 0)   = []  ==>   S
  S ([])     = []  ==>   S
  S ([], []) = []  ==>   S

Other combinations of 0 and [] indices are also no-ops, and should
all work independent of the value of do_fortran_indexing.

This does not cover all the cases that Matlab handles, but I think
some of those are bugs.  For example, Matlab allows

  S (:, [])  = []  ==>  S


  S (1, [])  = []  ==>  error

That would seem to be inconsistent, since for a scalar, a colon would
normally be the same as an index of 1.

: Apologies if this has all been settled before.
: Using Octave-1.0, I have written a function which works fine with
: vector arguments. It includes lines like
:         rhod( rhod<=-1 ) = 0.5*( rho0( rhod<=-1 ) - 1);
: to modify those elements of a vector satisfying a condition,
: namely " rhod(i) <= -1 ", with reference to another vector rho0.
: So far so good, provided the variables are vectors with more than
: one element. But I would also like this function to work if the
: arguments (and therefore the variables like "rhod", "rho0") are 1x1
: matrices (equivalent to scalars). However, in such a case when the
: condtion is false, Octave says
:         error: index invalid or out of range for scalar type
: and there seems to be no way to prevent this. Yet, if Octave could
: be forced to view the "scalar" as a vector of length 1 rather than
: as a scalar proper, the indexing behaviour should also work in this
: case, according to the rule which seems to apply for M-vectors, namely:-
:         For M-vectors A, B, C
:         A( boolean_fn(C) ) = B( boolean_fn(C) )
: should carry out the assignment A(i)=B(i) for elements (i)
: for which boolean_fn(C(i)) is true, and do nothing for all other (i).
: This works even if there are no elements (i) for which the condition
: is true.
: The dimension does not have to be greater than one for this rule to
: be workable. Is it possible to force this behaviour in Octave-1.0,
: or do I have to write a special-case "if ... " section to cope with
: the scalar case?

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