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Re: using acpi information in conditional expression

From: Andrei Borzenkov
Subject: Re: using acpi information in conditional expression
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 06:18:50 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.3.0

22.11.2015 14:52, Alexander 'Leo' Bergolth пишет:

Is it possible to use the output of lsacpi or lspci or
in a conditional expression?

I am using a dual-boot environment where the same box may boot natively
or inside a VirtualBox VM. Thus I'd like to detect whether grub has been
started inside VirtualBox or not in order to be able to set different

Do you mean you want to boot different menu entries? Why?

The output of lsacpi contains "OEM-ID: VBOX" if started inside
VirtualBox. Is it possible to use that info in the grub config?

I didn't find a way to redirect the lsacpi output to a variable or a
file to be able to use it with regex.

Do you have any hint?

Maybe inb/inl/inw could be used?


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