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Re: address to load bootsect

From: Chris Murphy
Subject: Re: address to load bootsect
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 13:33:49 -0700

On Feb 10, 2013, at 11:55 PM, horseriver <address@hidden> wrote:

> hi:
>  what is the address that grub load bootsect onto ?

My first response is your question can't be answered. It depends on how you 
install it, the partition scheme, and whether the computer is UEFI or BIOS also 
matter. To answer the question you asked, you're best off looking at the code 
to find out.

Otherwise the GRUB manual discusses boot.img, diskboot.img and core.img which 
is probably what you're looking for in a more general context.

Chris Murphy

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