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Re: [Help-gnunet] Fair Compensation for Musicians, Producers, Game Desig

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] Fair Compensation for Musicians, Producers, Game Designers, Authors, and other artists
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 23:05:32 +0200
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On 04/20/2017 09:29 PM, Zeb Thompson wrote:
> While the free exchange of information and content is great, it raises
> important questions regarding how artists such as musicians, producers,
> game designers, and writers are supposed to make a living if anybody can
> share and access their content for free.
> I get the impression that the industries these people operate in could
> implode if GNUnet becomes "The Internet" (and this issue isn't taken
> care of).  The result would be few if any new songs, movies, games, or
> novels because nobody could make a living from their artwork any more.
> Is this being considered by the GNUnet developers?  If so, then how?

With GNU Taler, we will make it much easier for journalists, free
software developers or artists to directly receive payments for their
work which they can publish on GNUnet without having to (1) compromise
their work to appease a publisher, label or museum, and (2) share the
proceeds with such intermediaries.  So this should help a lot.

Beyond that, I know quite a few people in the community that argue for
basic income, which is a social solution (but a bit out of scope for
GNUnet as this particular social solution is orthogonal to our technical

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