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Makefiles: run something before and after a target

From: Ala Qumsieh
Subject: Makefiles: run something before and after a target
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 16:14:46 GMT
User-agent: KNode/0.7.2


I have a huge Makefile with dozens of targets. I would like to be able to
run something (a script, shell command, another target) before *and* after
each target, that will gather basic data like when the target was started,
when it finished, how long it took, and other things. Now, of course I can
go in the Makefile, and modify each target to do what I want, but I'm
hoping there is an easier way.

It turns out that using MAKELEVEL allows me to run a something before each
toplevel target. Something like:

ifeq (0,$(MAKELEVEL))
  $(shell echo '*** pre make' 1>&2)

is there something similar to run a shell command at the end of each target?


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