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Re: Time to consider/try Helm?

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: Time to consider/try Helm?
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 11:59:27 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 27.0.50

On 2018-10-31, at 05:14, YUE Daian <> wrote:

> On 2018-10-30 23:19, Rémi Letot <> wrote:
>> YUE Daian <> writes:
>>> Hi Boris,
>>> For me it was from vanilla to ido to helm. Never looked back.
>>> There are many debates of choosing helm or ivy. Their user experience
>>> might be quite different. But both of them are far better than ido
>>> IMHO.
>> Could you please elaborate a bit on that ?
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Rémi
> Hi Remi,
> Sorry for not being able to type the accent ;-)
> I am not really familiar with ivy so please let me talk about helm.
> Let's take buffer management as an example.
> With ido you have `ido-switch-buffer`, `ido-kill-buffer` etc for
> different purposes.
> But with helm, when you use `helm-buffer-list`, it pops up a buffer,
> which displays all opened and recently used buffers.
> You can type anything in the mini-buffer to perform fuzzy-search and the
> buffer list will be filtered.
> You can mark items in the list and perform actions on them, for example
> kill buffer, query replace, grep etc etc.
> These actions are customizable thus can be added more.
> Also packages like helm can be used as a front-end for many other tools,
> such as ag (great enhancement of grep, highly recommended), projectile
> etc etc.

Ivy can do these things, too.

> I think the biggest change helm brings is that it uses buffer instead of
> mini-buffer to display its results.

How is that beneficial?  (I don't claim it isn't - I just don't know
what are the pluses.)


Marcin Borkowski

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