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Re: German characters

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: German characters
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 08:22:03 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

drain <> writes:

> Well, it only took a few substitutions to turn spanish.el into a
> german.el.
> But I'd still be interested to know other methods.

I guess, the standard way of writing letters of other languages is to
use input methods.

,----[ C-h k C-x RET C-\ ]
| C-x RET C-\ runs the command set-input-method, which is an interactive 
| Lisp function in `mule-cmds.el'.
| It is bound to C-x RET C-\, <menu-bar> <options> <mule> <set-input-method>.
| (set-input-method INPUT-METHOD &optional INTERACTIVE)
| Select and activate input method INPUT-METHOD for the current buffer.
| This also sets the default input method to the one you specify.
| If INPUT-METHOD is nil, this function turns off the input method, and
| also causes you to be prompted for a name of an input method the next
| time you invoke C-\.
| When called interactively, the optional arg INTERACTIVE is non-nil,
| which marks the variable `default-input-method' as set for Custom buffers.
| To deactivate the input method interactively, use C-\.
| To deactivate it programmatically, use `deactivate-input-method'.

And for German, you'd use one of those three:

,----[ C-h I german-prefix RET ]
| Input method: german-prefix (mode line indicator:DE>)
| German (Deutsch) input method with prefix modifiers
| Key translation rules are:
|  "A -> Ä ->   "O -> Ö   "U -> Ü   "s -> ß
| ------------
| You can input characters by the following key sequences:
| key char  [type a key sequence to insert the corresponding character]
| --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ----
| "A  Ä  "O  Ö    "U  Ü    "a  ä    "o  ö    "s  ß    "u  ü

,----[ C-h I german-postfix RET ]
| Input method: german-postfix (mode line indicator:DE<)
| German (Deutsch) input method
| ae  -> ä
| aee -> ae
| oe  -> ö
| oee -> oe
| ue  -> ü (not after a/e/q)
| uee -> ue
| sz  -> ß
| szz -> sz
| ------------
| You can input characters by the following key sequences:
| key char  [type a key sequence to insert the corresponding character]
| --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ----
| AE  Ä  OE  Ö    UE  Ü    ae  ä    oe  ö    sz  ß    ue  ü

,----[ C-h I german RET ]
| Input method: german (mode line indicator:DE@)
| German (Deutsch) input method simulating SUN German keyboard
| ---------------
| This input method works by translating individual input characters.
| Assuming that your actual keyboard has the `standard' layout,
| translation results in the following "virtual" keyboard layout:
|      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
|       | 1 ! | 2 " | 3 § | 4 $ | 5 % | 6 & | 7 / | 8 ( | 9 ) | 0 = | ß ? | [ { 
| ] } |
|      +----------------------------------------------------------------+
|         | q Q | w W | e E | r R | t T | z Z | u U | i I | o O | p P | ü Ü | + 
* |
|        +------------------------------------------------------------+
|          | a A | s S | d D | f F | g G | h H | j J | k K | l L | ö Ö | ä Ä | 
# ^ |
|         +-----------------------------------------------------------+
|            | y Y | x X | c C | v V | b B | n N | m M | , ; | . : | - _ |
|           +-------------------------------------------------+
|                   +-----------------------------+
|                   |          space bar          |
|                   +-----------------------------+
| If your keyboard has a different layout, rearranged from
| `standard', the "virtual" keyboard you get with this input method
| will be rearranged in the same way.
| You can set the variable `quail-keyboard-layout-type' to specify
| the physical layout of your keyboard; the tables shown in
| documentation of input methods including this one are based on the
| physical keyboard layout as specified with that variable.


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