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Re: ESS/Matlab Path in Cocoa Emacs

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: ESS/Matlab Path in Cocoa Emacs
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 11:52:43 +0200

Am 16.06.2012 um 04:42 schrieb Tan:

> (setenv "PATH" (concat "/Applications/" ":" 
> (getenv
> "PATH")))
> Emacs still shows the "no such file or directory" error message.

Try to use the above statement, a bit altered:

        (setenv "PATH" (concat "/Applications/" ":" 
(getenv "PATH")))

(I presume the "matlab" file in the "/Applications/" 
directory is already the executable, so it may not appear in PATH because then 
the matlab executable would be searched for in the not existing *directory* 
/Applications/, maybe plus the following one:

        (setq exec-path (split-string (getenv "PATH") path-separator))

The variable exec-path is responsible for supplying sub-processes in GNU Emacs 
with a search path for executables. You can also customise this variable, but 
would need to edit it when it changes when Matlab gets updated – just as with 
the "(setenv "PATH" ...)" statement.



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