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Re Resyncing in ediff

From: Doug Lewan
Subject: Re Resyncing in ediff
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 14:57:48 +0000

A few days ago I asked:
> Is there a "nice" way to get ediff to resync?

Drew Adams had a suggestion that was close to what I already do: Narrow from 
point to end of buffer in both buffers of interest and ediff from there. Thank 
you Drew.

Since my current world is in C, I've written a little hack that [mostly] works 
for C. It works on a per function basis. It's not ideal, but it seems adequate. 
I freely invite anyone to turn it into something that's actually good.


Here's the code:

;;; Commentary:

;; Sometimes ediff gets confused about which regions should correspond.
;; (This seems most common around blank or effectively blank lines.)
;; The problem really only arises from diffing long things (usually files).
;; This file contains code to help diff two things (usually files)
;; just one function at a time.

;;; Documentation:

;; To use this:
;; (1) Load this code.
;; (2) Open the two files to be diffed in exactly 2 windows.
;; (3) Put the point in the function of interest in one of those windows.
;; (4) M-x ediff-defun-at-point

;;; Code:

;; Dependencies
(require 'which-func)

;; Vars
(defvar *ca-symbol-re* "\\sw\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\|_\\)*"
  "RE to match a symbol in C.")

(defvar *ca-type-re*
   "\\(?:static\\|extern\\s-+\\)?"      ;Maybe it's qualified
   *ca-symbol-re* "\\s-*"               ;A type
   "\\**"                               ;Maybe it's a pointer
  "RE to match a type in a C declaration.")

;; Commands

(defun narrow-to-this-defun-in-both-windows ()
  "Do that.
CAVEAT: Different packages have different ideas
about what function they're in at the beginning of a function declaration."
  (let ((function-name (which-function)))
    (other-window 1)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (if (re-search-forward (format (concat "^" *ca-type-re* "\\s-+" "%s" 
"\\s-*(") function-name (point-max) t))
      (error "That function doesn't exist in the other window."))

(defun ediff-defun-at-point ()
  (ediff-buffers (window-buffer)
                 (window-buffer (next-window))))

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