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emacs's handling of aspell misses some mistakes

From: Gijs Hillenius
Subject: emacs's handling of aspell misses some mistakes
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:35:05 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)


What could be the cause of (my) Emacs' handling of aspell to miss
certain spelling errors? 

Here is an example -- I just misspelled the Dutch word 'kanttekening',
(an annotation, a marginal note). I omitted one 't'. M-x ispell-word did
not sound any alarm. That *is* strange, for running aspell from the
command line on the same file does point to the error.

my .emacs contains

| (setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")
| (setq ispell-extra-args '("--sug-mode=ultra"))
| (set-default 'ispell-local-dictionary "nederlands")

Note: I don't keep a local list of words. In this case I use the latest
Dutch dictionary, aspell-nl 1.1.00-2 (in Debian).



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