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Re: Why do I need to eval this?

From: B. T. Raven
Subject: Re: Why do I need to eval this?
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 22:55:56 -0600

"Arnaldo Mandel" <> wrote in message
> Reiner Steib wrote (on Jan 15, 2007):
>  > On Mon, Jan 15 2007, Arnaldo Mandel wrote:
>  >
>  > > Here is a short utility command that is useful to those writing
>  > > Portuguese on US keyboards:
>  >
>  > What's wrong with `M-x set-input-method RET portuguese-prefix RET'?
> Unrelated; I am already using an adequate input-method.
> US keyboards have ` and ~ on the same key, ~ is shifted `.  The key is
> in the NW corner, just below ESC.  In order to get, say ã (a tilda),
> the input method I use requires one to key first a tilda, then a.
> It often happens that fingers stumble, and instead of Shift-`, just a
> ` is keyed, so, instead of ã (a tilda) one gets à (a grave).  This
> occurs quite frequently.
> That little function helps correcting these errors afterwards, on
> a single swipe over the buffer, so that even when one notices that the
> error occurred, one does not need to break the typing to correct it.
> So, that gives the rationale for designing the function.  However,
> even if there was no reason at all for it, the puzzle remains:
>     when evaluated in a given session, it performs according to
>     specification; when loaded, whether byte-compiled or not, it
>     doesn't.
> am

I think is has to be a coding system problem. I copy pasted your lisp code
into a buffer and then saved the buffer with an .el extension. After M-x
load-file and M-x crases it worked for changing all the grave accents to
tildes in the lisp source. I would recommend that you change your default
encoding to utf-8.


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