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Re: bibtex label

From: Maarten Bergvelt
Subject: Re: bibtex label
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:33:58 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

In article <>, mjh127 wrote:
> when bibtex suggests a label for a publication written by author
> 'firstname lastname' it usually turns out to be 'lastnameYY' with YY
> being the truncated year of publication. However, I want it to be
> 'lastnameYYYY' with the full year of publication. I probalby will have
> to change some bibtex.el file. But which lines of the code are to be
> changed and how?

What do you mean by "bibtex suggests"? When I use bibtex it produces a
label, and what label is controled by the bibliography style. What is
a bibtex.el file? Are you using emacs as your editor? Are you asking a
question about the integration of bibtex with emacs?

Maybe you should read

or chapter 12/13 of the Latex Companion?

Maybe you should give a minimal example of what you do now and
explain what you want to change.

Minimal example?
Ask questions?
Maarten Bergvelt

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