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Re: weird shell in emacs

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: weird shell in emacs
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:14:37 +0100

Am 09.03.2006 um 00:38 schrieb

What can i do to get a more understanding shell?

[xeon@localhost /]$ ls
bin/   dev/  home/

As you see ls puts ANSI Esc sequences around the entries. If you look closer they are colouring the entries. You have approximately four ways to correct it:

1.) use an ls alias in Emacs' shell that does no colouring (man ls, man <shell's name>) in your shell's rc file or in Emacs shell's rc file, i.e. .emacs_<shell name> 2.) set either in your shell's rc file or in Emacs shell's rc file, i.e. .emacs_<shell name> an environment variable that switches off the colouring (for example 'unsetenv CLICOLOR' for (t)csh like shells) 3.) set in .emacs something like (it seems to depend on some minimal Emacs version, 21.4?):

                (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook (lambda ()

        4.) use term instead of shell



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