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Re: emacs-snapshot keybinding problem

From: Angelina Carlton
Subject: Re: emacs-snapshot keybinding problem
Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 13:04:41 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa@Web.DE> writes:

> Sorry! It has to be with _L or _R, and here in Mac OS X it's Super
> (with _L or _R), uppercase!
> (global-set-key [s-f1]          'replace-string)
> (global-set-key [H-f]           'end-of-defun)
> S- is the Shift key
> C- is the Control key
> M- is the Meta key
> A- is the Alt key
> H- is the Hyper key
> s- is the super key

Thanks! This works fine and gives me lots of possible custom key bindings
that will not override any of Emacs's defaults. 
> You have to make a difference between GNU Emacs running inside a
> terminal (emulation), or as an X client in its own window. The keys
> you set with xmodmap do not exist in nowindows mode. XTerm and other
> terminal emulations have kind of 'text bindings' to keys, particularly
> to function keys.

This seems odd to me, but I will take your advice. "xterm" for example is
a terminal emulator for X windows, as is my terminal, "urxvt" so I would
have thought xmodmap would be sufficient here. or do you mean that Emacs
makes a distinction if called with -nw? I always thought the program
(urxvt in my case) is a client of the X server and would inherit
xmodmaps settings for that session.

Regardless of the above, emacs22 -nw is indeed still not working, 
urxvt does not use "translations" and the same effect can not be achieved
with keysyms ( Urxvt.keysym.F1: ESC [ 11 ~ ) so I am not sure what I can
do except use another terminal

I tried to use the translations that you provided with xterm but it too
displayed the same behaviour as urxvt.
> \033 is the same as 0x1b wrapped in a string() call solely. Some X
> clients understand the modifiers "Alt," "Ctrl," "Meta," or "Shift." If
> xterms does too, and maybe understands Hyper or Super too, you have
> the option to define your own extra set of key sequences these key
> produce when pressed with any of these modifiers, that should work
> without windows. In extending the xterm.el code you might get these
> extra layers.

I will try to make this work in xterm even though its not my proffered
terminal but I am not sure to be honest that I understand the above enough to go
through each function key and the Hyper and Super keys and reassign

Thank you for all you help by the way, its just a lot for me to learn :)

-----Angelina Carlton-----
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