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dvi file help

From: pravin . futane
Subject: dvi file help
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 16:35:08 +0200

Hi there!
Well I am preety new to emacs and latex.
My problem is I am not getting or emacs is not
making this dvi file. I have some errors in my latex
code. But still emacs should generate .dvi file.
Also the "view# command to see .dvi file is not activated.
Please let me know what to do.

I have added these lines to my .emacs file.

(setq tex-dvi-print-command "dvips")
(setq tex-dvi-view-command
(if (eq window-system 'x) "xdvi -bg white -nopostscript -s 8 " "dvi2tty * | cat 
(setq tex-default-mode 'latex-mode)
(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock t)
(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook (function (lambda() (local-set-key [C-return] 
(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook (function (lambda() (local-set-key [f6] 
(add-hook 'bibtex-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock t)
Also let me know if this email id is right one
for any help.


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