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Re: File variables in tex-site.el

From: Ulrich Dirr
Subject: Re: File variables in tex-site.el
Date: Sat, 3 May 2003 09:04:35 +0200

Piet van Oostrum wrote:
>>>>>> "Ulrich Dirr" <> (UD) wrote:
>> Piet van Oostrum wrote:
>>> Actually the View command itself determines what kind of file was
>>> produced and can be parameterized to do the proper thing to open the
>>> file.
>> Could you please give me some concrete hints ('... can be
>> parameterized')?
> (defcustom TeX-output-view-style
>   '(("^dvi$" ("^a5$" "^landscape$") "xdvi \"%d\" -paper a5r -s 4")
>     ("^dvi$" "^a5$" "xdvi \"%d\" -paper a5")
>     ("^dvi$" ("^landscape$" "^pstricks$\\|^psfrag$")
>                         "dvips -t landscape -f \"%d\" | gv")
>     ("^dvi$" "^landscape$" "xdvi \"%d\" -paper a4r -s 4")
>     ("^dvi$" "^pstricks$\\|^psfrag$" "dvips -f \"%d\" | gv")
>     ("^dvi$" "." "xdvi \"%d\"")
>     ("^pdf$" "^landscape$" "xpdf -papertype a4r \"%o\"")
>     ("^pdf$" "." "xpdf \"%o\"")
>     ("^html?$" "." "netscape \"%o\""))
>   "List of output file extensions and view options.
> So this tells that if you generated a .dvi file it views with xdvi,
> but if you generated a .pdf file, it views with xpdf. And then as you
> can see it is also parameterized with options and packages.
> If you use LaTeX PDF rather than LaTeX it knows that the output file
> was .pdf rather than .dvi.
> Please note that this is still not fixed in stone, i.e. we might come
> up with a more flexible and easier to use system if someone has a
> bright idea. For example the options and packages now easily lead to a
> combinatorial explosion. So an easier system to build up the commands
> from parts might be preferable.

Ah, ok I understand. One final stupid question. When I look at tex.el it
always seems that parenthesis aren't balanced (like above I would add a
third closing parenthesis).

Best regards,
Ulrich Dirr

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