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Re: Colorizing Emacs

From: Francois Fleuret
Subject: Re: Colorizing Emacs
Date: 05 Mar 2003 14:00:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Hi, wrote on 05 Mar 2003 09:24:55 MET:

> BTW, I have to say that I'm curious to know what are *your* colors ?
> Would you mind posting your config' ? :)

I do not know if your question was asked to everybody, but here are my
setting :) As usual, comments about the code are welcome.

;; Basically, we switch to a sober look and darken a bit the colors
;; which need to (because of the darker background)

(defun configure-faces (fl) "Set face attributes and create faces when 
  (mapc (lambda (f)
          (unless (boundp (car f)) (make-empty-face (car f)))
          (eval `(set-face-attribute (car f) nil ,@(cdr f))))

;; Not the same in console (which is gray in my case) and in
;; X-window

(unless (boundp 'x-display-name)
   '((region :background "blue" :foreground "white")
     (highlight :background "darkseagreen3")
     (isearch :background "orange" :foreground "black")
     (isearch-lazy-highlight-face' :background "yellow" :foreground "black")
     (trailing-whitespace :background "white")
     (show-paren-match-face :background "gold" :foreground "black")
     (show-paren-mismatch-face :background "red" :foreground "black")
     (font-lock-keyword-face :foreground "blue")))

(when (boundp 'x-display-name)
   '((default :background "gray80")
     (font-lock-string-face :foreground "darkgreen")
     (font-lock-builtin-face :foreground "deeppink3")
     (font-lock-variable-name-face :foreground "orange3")
     (letter-face :background "lightgoldenrodyellow")
     (mode-line :background "gray70" :box nil)
     (fringe :background "gray70")
     (header-line :background "gray70")
     (region :background "gray60")
     (highlight :background "darkseagreen3")
     (isearch :background "yellow" :foreground "black")
     (isearch-lazy-highlight-face' :background "yellow3" :foreground "black")
     (trailing-whitespace :background "gray70")
     (show-paren-match-face :background "gold" :foreground "black")
     (show-paren-mismatch-face :background "red" :foreground "black")



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