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Re: How make Emacs start with BIGGER xterm??? Can I set width and height

From: Christian Seberino
Subject: Re: How make Emacs start with BIGGER xterm??? Can I set width and height??
Date: 29 Jan 2003 15:20:55 -0800

Thanks to all.  This was what I was looking for.

Chris (Christopher J. White) wrote in message 
> >>>>> "cs" == Christian Seberino <> writes:
> cs> I usually like a bigger xterm when I launch Emacs and was wondering
> cs> if I could put something in .emacs to avoid having to set size
> cs> with the mouse all the time.
> I'm going to assume you mean starting an emacs session that 
> opens it's own window which is not really in an xterm.  
> Ie., running a version of emacs with X11 support.
> As someone else alluded to, you can put geometry info
> in the default-frame-alist, this controls the creation of
> new frames as well:
> (setq default-frame-alist `((width . 80) (height . 50)))
> You might also need to set initial-frame-alist to the same
> to control the first emacs frame:
> (setq initial -frame-alist `((width . 80) (height . 50)))
> I don't need to do this in  my configuration, but I can't
> remember why (been using this .emacs for a long time....)
> ...cj

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