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Re: MULE shows gibberish; now what?

From: Ilya Zakharevich
Subject: Re: MULE shows gibberish; now what?
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 23:48:03 +0000 (UTC)

[A complimentary Cc of this posting was sent to
Stefan Monnier 
<>], who wrote in article <>:
> >> >        font: -Cronyx-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--15-140-75-75-C-90-RAWIN-R
> [...]
> > ???  I do not use that font.  How many times should I repeat that tt
> > is *Emacs* who choses this font?  My resources for fonts are
> But there is no `cronyx' or `rawin-r' anywhere in the code of Emacs, so it
> must get some "help" from somewhere in order to choose this font.
> Normally for charset <foo> it looks for fonts with names of the form
> *-...-*-*-<foo>, so there has to be something somewhere that tells Emacs to
> use `rawin-r'.

"Something else" does not help.  What can it be?  I posted the
relevant parts of 'xrdb -query | grep -i font'.  What else?

> Can you do `M-x describe-face RET default RET' and tell us which
> font Emacs says it's using ?

         Family: misc-fixed
          Width: normal
         Height: 120
         Weight: bold
          Slant: normal
     Foreground: black
     Background: white
      Underline: nil
       Overline: nil
 Strike-through: nil
            Box: nil
        Inverse: nil
        Stipple: nil
Font or fontset: -misc-fixed-bold-*-*-*-*-140-75-75-*-*-*-1
        Inherit: unspecified

> Can you then do M-x describe-fontset RET <the name> RET and show
> us what that says ?

[Aside: the output buffer has no trailing NL.]

Fontset: -*-*-bold-*-*-*-*-140-75-75-*-*-fontset-startup
---------------------   ---------
latin-iso8859-1         -misc-fixed-*-iso8859-1
latin-iso8859-2         -*-iso8859-2
latin-iso8859-3         -*-iso8859-3
latin-iso8859-4         -*-iso8859-4
thai-tis620                     -*-*-*-tis620-*
greek-iso8859-7         -*-*-*-iso8859-7
arabic-iso8859-6        -*-*-*-iso8859-6
hebrew-iso8859-8        -*-*-*-iso8859-8
katakana-jisx0201       -*-*-*-jisx0201-*
latin-jisx0201          -*-jisx0201-*
cyrillic-iso8859-5      -*-*-*-iso8859-5
latin-iso8859-9         -*-iso8859-9
latin-iso8859-15        -*-iso8859-15
latin-iso8859-14        -*-iso8859-14
japanese-jisx0208-1978  -*-*-*-jisx0208.1978-*
chinese-gb2312                  -*-*-*-gb2312.1980-*
     [-ISAS-Fangsong ti-Medium-R-Normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-GB2312.1980-0]
japanese-jisx0208    -*-*-*-jisx0208.1990-*
korean-ksc5601          -*-*-*-ksc5601.1989-*
japanese-jisx0212       -*-*-*-jisx0212-*
chinese-cns11643-1      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-1
chinese-cns11643-2      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-2
japanese-jisx0213-1     -*-*-*-jisx0213.2000-1
chinese-big5-1                  -*-*-*-big5-*
chinese-big5-2          -*-*-*-big5-*
chinese-sisheng                 -*-sisheng_cwnn-*
ipa                                             -*-muleipa-*
vietnamese-viscii-lower                         -*-viscii1.1-*
vietnamese-viscii-upper -*-viscii1.1-*
arabic-digit                    -*-*-*-mulearabic-0
arabic-1-column                         -*-*-*-mulearabic-1
ascii-right-to-left     -*-iso8859-1
lao                                     -*-*-*-mulelao-1
arabic-2-column         -*-*-*-mulearabic-2
indian-is13194          -*-*-*-is13194-devanagari
indian-1-column                 -*-*-*-muleindian-1
tibetan-1-column        -*-*-*-muletibetan-1
mule-unicode-2500-33ff  -*-iso10646-1
mule-unicode-e000-ffff  -*-iso10646-1
mule-unicode-0100-24ff  -*-iso10646-1
ethiopic                        -*-*-*-ethiopic-unicode
chinese-cns11643-3      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-3
chinese-cns11643-4      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-4
chinese-cns11643-5      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-5
chinese-cns11643-6      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-6
chinese-cns11643-7      -*-*-*-cns11643.1992-7
indian-2-column                 -*-*-*-muleindian-2
tibetan                 -*-proportional-*-muletibetan-2
japanese-jisx0213-2     -*-*-*-jisx0213.2000-2

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