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cron & at

From: eduguay
Subject: cron & at
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 09:40:18 -0500


I've setup the cron by reading many times this but it doesn't seem to work ?

Setting up periodic jobs

Allow the new user gnats access to cron and at. To do this, add the name gnats to the files cron.allow and at.allow, which normally reside in the directory /var/spool/cron. If these files do not exist, make sure gnats does not appear in either of the files cron.deny and at.deny (in the same directory). If you changed the name of the GNATS user during configure, remember to substitute as appropriate in the previous steps.

Create a crontab entry that periodically runs the program queue-pr with the --run option (see queue-pr). For example, to run queue-pr --run every ten minutes, create a file called .mycron in the home directory of the user gnats which contains the line:

0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * exec-prefix/libexec/gnats/queue-pr --run

(Specify the full path name for queue-pr.) Then run

crontab .mycron

See the man pages for cron and crontab for details on using cron. ......

Any idea what could be wrong ?
I'm using Gnats 4 and Gnatzweb 4 on Redhat Linux 7.1

Best Regards,

             / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
            / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / 
           /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Etienne R. Duguay
Author of/ Auteur de "Se lancer en affaires dans Internet"
ISBN 2-89521-001-2; ISBN 2-89472-062-9
Virtual Space International INC.,
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