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Re: Migrating tickets from Savane

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: Migrating tickets from Savane
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 23:38:54 GMT

    Also, ask the Savannah admins if they can provide a dump of bug reports
    in some format.

Yes, all 1 1/2 of us "Savannah admins" (*) can run sql commands to dump
the tables.  Figuring out how the fields relate to turn them into the
msgs one would like is not necessarily trivial, and I'm not aware of any
documentation on them, either.  I've just been blindly groping around in
the dark.  I'll append the list of savane tables so you can see what
you'd be getting.

I would suggest asking Sylvain and the other upstream *savane*
developers at -- they might have scripts to do exactly this, or
have other ideas that I simply lack the background to imagine.


(*) Michael Flickinger is the 1, I'm the 1/2.  A few other people help
with front-end submissions, but so far no one else has done anything on
the back end since Sylvain quit.

As promised above, here are the tables I am seeing ... the point is just
that there are a lot of them (related to bugs), and to construct what's
on the web pages requires following id trails between them.

> show tables from savane;
| Tables_in_savane                             |
| bugs                                         |
| bugs_canned_responses                        |
| bugs_cc                                      |
| bugs_dependencies                            |
| bugs_field                                   |
| bugs_field_usage                             |
| bugs_field_value                             |
| bugs_history                                 |
| bugs_report                                  |
| bugs_report_field                            |
| cookbook                                     |
| cookbook_canned_responses                    |
| cookbook_cc                                  |
| cookbook_context2recipe                      |
| cookbook_dependencies                        |
| cookbook_field                               |
| cookbook_field_usage                         |
| cookbook_field_value                         |
| cookbook_filter                              |
| cookbook_history                             |
| cookbook_report                              |
| cookbook_report_field                        |
| cvs_hooks                                    |
| cvs_hooks_cia                                |
| cvs_hooks_log_accum                          |
| form                                         |
| forum                                        |
| forum_group_list                             |
| forum_monitored_forums                       |
| forum_saved_place                            |
| forum_thread_id                              |
| group_history                                |
| group_preferences                            |
| group_type                                   |
| groups                                       |
| groups_default_permissions                   |
| groups_gpg_keyrings                          |
| mail_group_list                              |
| news_bytes                                   |
| patch                                        |
| patch_canned_responses                       |
| patch_cc                                     |
| patch_dependencies                           |
| patch_field                                  |
| patch_field_usage                            |
| patch_field_value                            |
| patch_history                                |
| patch_report                                 |
| patch_report_field                           |
| people_job                                   |
| people_job_category                          |
| people_job_inventory                         |
| people_job_status                            |
| people_skill                                 |
| people_skill_inventory                       |
| people_skill_level                           |
| people_skill_year                            |
| repos                                        |
| session                                      |
| spam_stats                                   |
| support                                      |
| support_canned_responses                     |
| support_cc                                   |
| support_dependencies                         |
| support_field                                |
| support_field_usage                          |
| support_field_value                          |
| support_history                              |
| support_report                               |
| support_report_field                         |
| task                                         |
| task_canned_responses                        |
| task_cc                                      |
| task_dependencies                            |
| task_field                                   |
| task_field_usage                             |
| task_field_value                             |
| task_history                                 |
| task_report                                  |
| task_report_field                            |
| test                                         |
| trackers_export                              |
| trackers_field_transition                    |
| trackers_field_transition_other_field_update |
| trackers_file                                |
| trackers_msgid                               |
| trackers_notification                        |
| trackers_notification_event                  |
| trackers_notification_role                   |
| trackers_spamban                             |
| trackers_spamcheck_queue                     |
| trackers_spamcheck_queue_notification        |
| trackers_spamscore                           |
| trackers_watcher                             |
| user                                         |
| user_bookmarks                               |
| user_group                                   |
| user_lostpw                                  |
| user_preferences                             |
| user_queue                                   |
| user_squad                                   |
| user_votes                                   |

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