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Re: [Help-bash] Learning Bash Shell Programming

From: DJ Mills
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Learning Bash Shell Programming
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 15:04:09 -0500

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Hans-Juergen Becker <address@hidden> wrote:
Interesting remark. Do you think so about



I'm asking because i often use especially the second one,


Sorry to say it, but the "advanced" bash guide is the single largest source of misinformation
about bash out there. It's the reason you see so many people try to parse ls, or read a file line
by line with 'for foo in $(cat file)', or use unquoted expansions. The beginners guide you linked
to first actually has syntax errors in it, let alone the logic issues everywhere.

Unfortunately, I have yet to hear of the creator/maintainer responding to any requests to update
t or take it down.

Once you know the language well, there are a few useful tidbits in the second link that I haven't
really seen anywhere else. They are, however, hard to distinguish from the "chaff" as Dennis said.
I wouldn't try to use anything from it until you're quite confident with the language (at which point
you shouldn't really need it anyway...)

Really, though, the #bash channel on freenode and the docs I gave you are the best bet. Being on IRC
gets you real-time responses to your exact question, and no book or guide can offer the same.


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