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[Heb-dev] nausea

From: Maud Price
Subject: [Heb-dev] nausea
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 07:44:21 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Yet we rush them along from one big grammar lesson to another emphasizing writing forms they don't understand and can't use.
Well, they've been pushed into "conversation" without having a clue what any of it actually means.
That's my theory, anyway.
yup, they're pretty strict about that.
I'm struck by the ratio of men to women at JAOO, and reminded of a discssuion on the AYE Conference wiki about Women in IT. My undergrad is in art education and I am state certified-I'm not sure if that makes a difference? I see, and I remember.
You could probably accomplish the same thing if you didn't get one. I'd be interested in how it is going in China. " Why does this happen? I just notice that students who are able to listen intently are also the best speakers.
We're quick to pin the blame on individuals, when it may be a system problem or a management problem. They don't understand half of what you say to them, no matter how many years of English they've studied and how "good" their vocabulary supposedly is. who do you think would apply for this job?
However, my MA is not in ESL. I do, and I understand. You could probably accomplish the same thing if you didn't get one. SO they just listen for a "key word" and blurt out the memorized phrase. But sometimes, it is an individual problem.
I am off to work now. In my experience, most people who are fired are not unskilled or incompetent. Granted, these are kids - but college students are often also clearly just reaching for one magic word to respond to. Granted, these are kids - but college students are often also clearly just reaching for one magic word to respond to.
I do, and I understand. But sometimes, it is an individual problem. SO they just listen for a "key word" and blurt out the memorized phrase.
Granted, these are kids - but college students are often also clearly just reaching for one magic word to respond to. I do, and I understand.
I just notice that students who are able to listen intently are also the best speakers.
I do, and I understand.
In my experience, most people who are fired are not unskilled or incompetent. I'd be interested in how it is going in China.
You could probably accomplish the same thing if you didn't get one. I'm struck by the ratio of men to women at JAOO, and reminded of a discssuion on the AYE Conference wiki about Women in IT. :: RE: Poll: What kind of TEFL certificate do you hold?
However, my MA is not in ESL. Don't know how you can handle just the NOISE!
Granted, these are kids - but college students are often also clearly just reaching for one magic word to respond to.
I have found that older teachers have an advantage-or it seems that way to me.

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