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Re: [PATCH] website: Add section section and links to code of conduct

From: Tonton
Subject: Re: [PATCH] website: Add section section and links to code of conduct
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 15:13:29 +0200

Hi, I might have been a tad too quick, yes. I felt like I had taken so long,
but looking at the mails, I see my perspective was a bit skewed.

On Thu, 17 May 2018 13:43:17 +0200
address@hidden (Ludovic Courtès) wrote:

> Hello,
> Tonton <address@hidden> skribis:
> > First this something we would like - to have the
> > CoC as a section just like we have the section Building from Git
> > (
> > I could also add it as a subsection of contributing, making it part of the
> > landing. But it seemed better to me to have it separately, maybe.  
> I’m unsure about adding a complete copy of the Code in the manual; I’d
> prefer keep the URL and a reference to the ‘CODE-OF-CONDUCT’ file.
> Thoughts?

I had 2 reasons for putting it there, one is that it is then easily
accessible from the website. And second is that it would be easy to find for
users/contributers that don't have the source repo locally (I don't know if
the CODE-OF-CONDUCT file exists in guix/guixsd, or only in the sources).

The first could easily be addressed by a separate page on the website (e.g.
under about) or even simpler by a link to the CODE-OF-CONDUCT file in the
source tree.

The second I'm not sure how to fix. But we could probably assume most
contributors will have the source checked out and available.

At the same time, these two don't need to be fixed, these are just what I
thought would be a good presentation/balance.

> Also, to be clear, I wanted to leave a few days before updating to
> version 1.4 of the Contributor Covenant so that people have a chance to
> speak (a few days have passed already so it looks like we’re on the
> right track :-)), and to have Ricardo’s agreement as well as
> co-maintainer.

Oh, yes, that is reasonable. I didn't mean to rush this.

> Thanks,
> Ludo’.


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