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Re: New build-system quest (premake4 t-engine)

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: New build-system quest (premake4 t-engine)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:08:13 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.2.1

Hi Oleg,

> I try to package premake4 build-system and t-engine game.  I have an
> issue with "No such file or directory" "../bla/bla/bla/*.h".
> But building with guix build failed.  Checkout patch and logs.  Any
> ideas appreciating :-)

Have you tried using the “gnu-build-system” and replacing the configure
phase with your invocation of premake4?

One difference between “guix build” and “guix environment” is that the
latter builds a profile first, so environment variables for libraries or
headers really only have to be set to a single directory

“guix build”, on the other hand, builds up long chains of directories as
the values for these environment variables.

> ./pre-inst-env guix environment -C t-engine
> source ./environment-variables
> cd t-engine*
> make

> succeeded.

Did you not have to run premake4 first?  If you don’t need it then it
would be sufficient to use the gnu-build-system and delete the configure

(I don’t think we need a new build system for the case where just the
configure phase differs slightly, but maybe I’m missing something.)


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