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branch core-updates updated (a56bf10 -> f167595)

From: Mark H. Weaver
Subject: branch core-updates updated (a56bf10 -> f167595)
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2017 00:26:21 -0400 (EDT)

mhw pushed a change to branch core-updates
in repository guix.

      from  a56bf10   gnu: perl: Work around more "dotless @INC" build issues.
       new  e3df693   gnu: libtasn1: Add replacement to fix CVE-2017-10790.
      adds  7441f1d   build: Make Guile-Git a hard requirement.
      adds  59a1627   pull: Fetch source code from Git.
      adds  3085b50   pull: Use the commit ID as the version string.
      adds  c53fc48   pull: Honor '--no-grafts'.
      adds  aa18480   gnu: Add r-pkgconfig.
      adds  796237a   gnu: Add r-blob.
      adds  8060a61   gnu: r-rsqlite: Update to 2.0.
      adds  bfa0d1e   gnu: r-sva: Update to 3.24.4.
      adds  9eb2714   gnu: r-copywriter: Update to 2.8.1.
      adds  8cfaa9a   gnu: r-genomicfeatures: Update to 1.28.4.
      adds  15afa9b   gnu: r-rtracklayer: Update to 1.36.4.
      adds  26760c8   gnu: r-genomicalignments: Update to 1.12.1.
      adds  f41150f   gnu: r-summarizedexperiment: Update to 1.6.3.
      adds  adf5d0a   gnu: r-delayedarray: Update to 0.2.7.
      adds  5077bc3   gnu: r-biostrings: Update to 2.44.2.
      adds  1ff74d0   gnu: r-biocparallel: Update to 1.10.1.
      adds  0c6494a   gnu: r-biomart: Update to 2.32.1.
      adds  62eb93a   gnu: r-annotationdbi: Update to 1.38.2.
      adds  1898a78   gnu: r-biobase: Update to 2.36.2.
      adds  1b4738e   gnu: r-limma: Update to 3.32.5.
      adds  48f5d28   gnu: r-variantannotation: Update to 1.22.3.
      adds  6252dd0   gnu: r-genomeinfodb: Update to 1.12.2.
      adds  3ec25eb   gnu: r-iranges: Update to 2.10.2.
      adds  9c4348d   gnu: r-dnacopy: Update to 1.50.1.
      adds  0ff4783   gnu: r-biocstyle: Update to 2.4.1.
      adds  bd4a0ba   gnu: r-category: Update to 2.42.1.
      adds  fd215c2   gnu: r-annotationforge: Update to 1.18.1.
      adds  f1915a5   gnu: r-deseq2: Update to 1.16.1.
      adds  2f06dc0   gnu: Add r-rlang.
      adds  2e508b6   gnu: libvirt: Use HTTPS.
      adds  ced2d2b   gnu: libvirt: Update to 3.6.0.
      adds  0abf526   gnu: hdf4: Update to 4.12.13.
      adds  a70b03d   gnu: Add python-grako
      adds  33485fa   gnu: eyed3: Update to 0.8, build with python3.
      adds  e0958c2   gnu: libpng-apng: Update to 1.6.28.
      adds  696f1d0   gnu: libpng-apng: Be sure to apply the APNG patch.
      adds  721d7a6   gnu: address@hidden: Don't built on aarch64.
      adds  9ef5940   gnu: calibre: Add python2-msgpack as an input.
      adds  2c5cf84   gnu: python2-conda: Fix build by building with enum34.
      adds  575e5e4   gnu: address@hidden: Fix CVE-2015-5180.
      adds  a0ae64a   gnu: address@hidden: Fix CVE-2015-5180, 
      adds  edd08fb   gnu: address@hidden: Fix security issues.
      adds  ec5495b   doc: 'patches' field of <origin> can list file-like 
      adds  49962b1   activation: Make sure /etc exists.
      adds  6862c72   gnu: tor: Update to
      adds  5d8312f   gnu: youtube-dl: Update to 2017.07.30.1.
      adds  68a29ab   gnu: Add LeoCAD.
      adds  5638d71   gnu: openscenegraph: Add 'Release' configure flag.
      adds  a8ead6f   gnu: vc: Limit to x86_64 and i686.
      adds  92971d6   gnu: htseq: Update to 0.9.1.
      adds  75e6639   gnu: htseq: Use PyPI URI.
      adds  dd4b747   gnu: Add grub-hybrid.
      adds  5bee6bf   gnu: Add r-glue.
      adds  847b457   gnu: r-plogr: Move to (gnu packages cran).
      adds  736332c   gnu: r-rcpp: Update to 0.12.12.
      adds  a8cba9d   gnu: r-rcpp: Move to (gnu packages cran).
      adds  eed58a0   gnu: Add r-bindr.
      adds  4bb0b4c   gnu: Add r-bindrcpp.
      adds  a40b2c2   gnu: r-dplyr: Update to 0.7.2.
      adds  aad948a   gnu: r-tibble: Update to 1.3.3.
      adds  5fc74f2   gnu: r-devtools: Update to 1.13.3.
      adds  7b36881   gnu: r-purrr: Update to
      adds  d590508   gnu: r-igraph: Update to 1.1.2.
      adds  f9b3760   gnu: r-plotly: Update to 4.7.1.
      adds  cc9a778   gnu: r-hmisc: Update to 4.0-3.
      adds  c628b84   gnu: r-ranger: Update to 0.8.0.
      adds  64c6712   gnu: r-knitrbootstrap: Update to 1.0.1.
      adds  0f2eee0   gnu: r-pracma: Update to 2.0.7.
      adds  2d81bc1   gnu: r-httpuv: Update to 1.3.5.
      adds  9fe794f   gnu: r-jsonlite: Update to 1.5.
      adds  a1e54db   gnu: r-servr: Update to 0.6.
      adds  8501510   gnu: r-htmltools: Update to 0.3.6.
      adds  53deffe   gnu: r-htmlwidgets: Update to 0.9.
      adds  e584b9f   gnu: r-curl: Update to 2.8.1.
      adds  af1eeab   gnu: r-boot: Update to 1.3-20.
      adds  74b037d   gnu: r-foreign: Update to 0.8-69.
      adds  dbeda1b   gnu: r-matrix: Update to 1.2-10.
      adds  6fb21ed   gnu: r-mgcv: Update to 1.8-18.
      adds  831858a   gnu: r-bit64: Update to 0.9-7.
      adds  d5ce380   gnu: r-dbi: Update to 0.7.
      adds  12cd797   gnu: r-evaluate: Update to 0.10.1.
      adds  6dc86e8   gnu: r-formatr: Update to 1.5.
      adds  b07c8c0   gnu: r-knitr: Update to 1.16.
      adds  f05c627   gnu: r-r6: Update to 2.2.2.
      adds  c832d32   gnu: r-formula: Update to 1.2-2.
      adds  63f934e   gnu: r-backports: Update to 1.1.0.
      adds  58e1ce8   gnu: r-checkmate: Update to 1.8.3.
      adds  f212bf8   gnu: r-git2r: Update to 0.19.0.
      adds  d8048a1   gnu: r-withr: Update to 2.0.0.
      adds  76040b8   gnu: r-readr: Update to 1.1.1.
      adds  1c41d51   gnu: r-plotrix: Update to 3.6-5.
      adds  7c172ea   gnu: r-rcpparmadillo: Update to 0.7.900.2.0.
      adds  cc8ba9b   gnu: r-rmarkdown: Update to 1.6.
      adds  fe99172   gnu: r-xml: Update to 3.98-1.9.
      adds  127b926   gnu: r-segmented: Update to 0.5-2.1.
      adds  81c057c   gnu: r-sparsem: Update to 1.77.
      adds  1c576cb   gnu: r-irlba: Update to 2.2.1.
      adds  e1cd25b   gnu: r-glmnet: Update to 2.0-10.
      adds  9b9fef0   gnu: r-tidyr: Update to 0.6.3.
      adds  1d25643   gnu: r-googlesheets: Update to 0.2.2.
      adds  2c75199   gnu: r-sfsmisc: Update to 1.1-1.
      adds  80d1185   gnu: r-gdata: Update to 2.18.0.
      adds  a8c2706   gnu: r-statmod: Update to 1.4.30.
      adds  d58faa7   gnu: r-rann: Update to 2.5.1.
      adds  df03b6f   gnu: r-cowplot: Update to 0.8.0.
      adds  62d3afc   gnu: r-fastica: Update to 1.2-1.
      adds  60869fb   gnu: r-flexmix: Update to 2.3-14.
      adds  41692b2   gnu: r-mclust: Update to 5.3.
      adds  4431dd3   gnu: r-vgam: Update to 1.0-4.
      adds  12c3bbb   gnu: r-pbapply: Update to 1.3-3.
      adds  0f008ab   gnu: r-rcppeigen: Update to
      adds  6bb4bfa   gnu: r-car: Update to 2.1-5.
      adds  85cd755   gnu: r-tclust: Update to 1.2-7.
      adds  3f6ec08   gnu: r-bookdown: Update to 0.4.
      adds  7150f1c   gnu: r-optparse: Update to 1.4.4.
      adds  023aa8f   gnu: r-seqinr: Update to 3.4-5.
      adds  c8a9b2b   gnu: r-qtl: Update to 1.41-6.
      adds  4e0c847   gnu: r-wgcna: Update to 1.60.
      adds  5e0de29   gnu: r-seqminer: Update to 6.0.
      adds  ceb802a   gnu: r-desc: Update to 1.1.1.
      adds  2267e4d   gnu: r-purrr: Update to 0.2.3.
      adds  cf18970   vm: Use grub-hybrid's grub-mkrescue.
      adds  7cb6155   gnu: bioinformatics.scm: Use (gnu packages cran) module.
      adds  9e37e53   gnu: Add missing references to (gnu packages cran).
      adds  81ca29a   gnu: address@hidden: Update to 1.4.22 [fixes 
      adds  c9f4f56   gnu: git: Enable tests.
      adds  c890914   gnu: freerdp: Update to 2.0.0-rc0 [security fixes].
      adds  20f8d1d   gnu: sshfs-fuse: Update to 2.10.
      adds  0f08917   gnu: zerofree: Use ‘modify-phases’ syntax.
      adds  7a06845   gnu: zerofree: Use ‘install-file’.
      adds  4de4a1c   gnu: zerofree: Expand description.
      adds  30ac4cc   gnu: zerofree: Update to 1.1.0.
      adds  0a3ecfd   gnu: thefuck: Update to 3.19.
      adds  b55d15e   gnu: cmark: Update to 0.28.0.
      adds  9a7fd37   gnu: xonsh: Update to 0.5.12.
      adds  19dd509   gnu: certbot, python-acme: Update to 0.17.0.
      adds  f58be41   gnu: fabric: Update to 1.13.2.
      adds  3b4018d   gnu: sshoot: Update to 1.2.6.
      adds  54360c9   gnu: diffoscope: Use HTTPS.
      adds  e9f6a93   gnu: python-lz4: Update to 0.10.1.
      adds  b316caa   gnu: python-lz4: Fix typo in synopsis.
      adds  88c8f24   build: Add minify build system.
      adds  ed69963   gnu: Add js-html5shiv.
      adds  68ffb6c   gnu: Add js-json2.
      adds  3f48403   gnu: Add js-strftime.
      adds  a6bbb2a   gnu: Add js-highlight.
      adds  c4abc94   gnu: Add js-datatables.
      adds  4f65067   gnu: Add js-selectize.
      adds  0b0aa76   gnu: Add js-es5-shim.
      adds  a3cd23b   gnu: Add r-shiny.
      adds  8d6c845   gnu: Add r-crosstalk.
      adds  1cec346   gnu: php: Update to 7.1.8.
      adds  7656739   Revert "daemon: Ensure proper alignment on the stack."
      adds  3d5d87a   gnu: Add cubicle.
      adds  eedcfa7   gnu: lftp: Update to 4.7.8.
      adds  7f171fd   gnu: git: Update to 2.14.0.
      adds  e78e38a   gnu: emacs-exwm: Update to 0.15.
      adds  91d94e2   gnu: emacs-exwm-x: Do not set DISPLAY.
      adds  9833bcf   build: Allow mounting of entire disks.
      adds  31ed845   daemon: On aarch64, use increments of 16 on the stack.
      adds  6a43643   doc: Suggest running guix-daemon with 'sudo -E'.
      adds  01a61d7   gnu: libtasn1: Fix CVE-2017-10790.
       new  f167595   Merge branch 'master' into core-updates

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:                                        |  10 +-
 build-aux/build-self.scm                           |  17 +                                       |  10 +-
 doc/contributing.texi                              |   7 +-
 doc/guix.texi                                      |  47 +-
 gnu/bootloader/grub.scm                            |   6 +
 gnu/build/activation.scm                           |   1 +
 gnu/build/file-systems.scm                         |  17 +-
 gnu/                                       |  10 +-
 gnu/packages/admin.scm                             |  22 +-
 gnu/packages/base.scm                              |  10 +
 gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm                    | 135 ++---
 gnu/packages/bootloaders.scm                       |  33 ++
 gnu/packages/compression.scm                       |   9 +-
 gnu/packages/cran.scm                              | 106 ++++
 gnu/packages/ebook.scm                             |   3 +
 gnu/packages/emacs.scm                             |  10 +-
 gnu/packages/ftp.scm                               |   4 +-
 gnu/packages/gcc.scm                               |   7 +-
 gnu/packages/gnupg.scm                             |   4 +-
 gnu/packages/graphics.scm                          |   6 +-
 gnu/packages/image.scm                             |  44 +-
 gnu/packages/javascript.scm                        | 191 ++++++-
 gnu/packages/lego.scm                              |  61 ++-
 gnu/packages/linux.scm                             |  42 +-
 gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm                  |   1 +
 gnu/packages/markup.scm                            |   4 +-
 gnu/packages/maths.scm                             |  54 +-
 gnu/packages/mp3.scm                               |  13 +-
 gnu/packages/package-management.scm                |   9 +-
 gnu/packages/patches/fabric-tests.patch            |  15 -
 gnu/packages/patches/gd-CVE-2017-7890.patch        |  30 ++
 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2015-5180.patch     | 311 +++++++++++
 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2015-7547.patch     | 590 +++++++++++++++++++++
 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2016-3075.patch     |  43 ++
 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2016-3706.patch     | 188 +++++++
 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2016-4429.patch     |  58 ++
 gnu/packages/patches/libtasn1-CVE-2017-10790.patch |  63 +++
 gnu/packages/php.scm                               |  17 +-
 gnu/packages/python.scm                            |  28 +
 gnu/packages/rdesktop.scm                          |  22 +-
 gnu/packages/shells.scm                            |   4 +-
 gnu/packages/statistics.scm                        | 333 ++++++------
 gnu/packages/tls.scm                               |  16 +-
 gnu/packages/tor.scm                               |   4 +-
 gnu/packages/version-control.scm                   |  39 +-
 gnu/packages/video.scm                             |   4 +-
 gnu/packages/virtualization.scm                    |  10 +-
 gnu/packages/vpn.scm                               |   6 +-
 gnu/packages/web.scm                               | 156 +++++-
 gnu/system/vm.scm                                  |   7 +
 guix/build-system/minify.scm                       | 127 +++++
 guix/build/minify-build-system.scm                 |  73 +++
 guix/scripts/pull.scm                              | 250 +++++----
 nix/libstore/                              |  11 +-
 55 files changed, 2766 insertions(+), 532 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/fabric-tests.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/gd-CVE-2017-7890.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2015-5180.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2015-7547.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2016-3075.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2016-3706.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2016-4429.patch
 create mode 100644 gnu/packages/patches/libtasn1-CVE-2017-10790.patch
 create mode 100644 guix/build-system/minify.scm
 create mode 100644 guix/build/minify-build-system.scm

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