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guile-1.6.0 build problem on Solaris 2.8 Intel

From: Anant Tamgole
Subject: guile-1.6.0 build problem on Solaris 2.8 Intel
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 23:11:14 -0800 (PST)


I am getting folowing error while compiling gile-1.6.0 ( using gcc )

/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G -z defs -h -o .libs/  alist.
lo arbiters.lo async.lo backtrace.lo boolean.lo chars.lo continuations.lo debug.
lo deprecation.lo dynl.lo dynwind.lo environments.lo eq.lo error.lo eval.lo eval
ext.lo extensions.lo feature.lo fluids.lo fports.lo gc.lo gc_os_dep.lo gdbint.lo
 gh_data.lo gh_eval.lo gh_funcs.lo gh_init.lo gh_io.lo gh_list.lo gh_predicates.
lo goops.lo gsubr.lo guardians.lo hash.lo hashtab.lo hooks.lo init.lo ioext.lo i
select.lo keywords.lo lang.lo list.lo load.lo macros.lo mallocs.lo modules.lo nu
mbers.lo objects.lo objprop.lo options.lo pairs.lo ports.lo print.lo procprop.lo
 procs.lo properties.lo random.lo rdelim.lo read.lo root.lo rw.lo scmsigs.lo scr
ipt.lo simpos.lo smob.lo sort.lo srcprop.lo stackchk.lo stacks.lo stime.lo strin
gs.lo strop.lo strorder.lo strports.lo struct.lo symbols.lo throw.lo values.lo v
ariable.lo vectors.lo version.lo vports.lo weaks.lo symbols-deprecated.lo ramap.
lo unif.lo filesys.lo posix.lo net_db.lo socket.lo regex-posix.lo inet_aton.lo
-R/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib  /usr/local/lib/ -lcrypt -lsocket -l
nsl -lm -lc
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
_start                              gc_os_dep.lo
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to .libs/
make: *** [] Error 1

How to overcome this error.

with regards





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