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Shorter lambda expressions

From: Mark H Weaver
Subject: Shorter lambda expressions
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:51:18 -0500

Hello all,

For a short time I liked 'cut' from SRFI-26, but I soon became
frustrated by its limitations, most notably not being able to reference
the arguments out of order or within nested expressions.  I don't like
the inconsistent style that results when I use 'cut' wherever possible
and 'lambda' everywhere else.  So I just stopped using it altogether.

I prefer what Shiro Kawai did in Gauche: ^ is short for lambda, (^x ...)
is short for (lambda (x) ...), and similarly for all the letters.  ^_ is
short for lambda with one ignored argument.

Here's a module that implements that idea, but takes it slightly
further.  It exports the unary lambda shorthands described above, and
also a few non-unary ones: ^xy, ^xyz, ^ab, ^abc, ^uv.  It also exports
variants that use λ instead of ^, for a nicer look if you're willing to
venture outside of ASCII.

Finally, it exports the transformer procedure that's bound to all of the
keywords above.  It's called 'short-lambda'.  Bind it to any keyword
like this:

  (define-syntax ^kw short-lambda)

and now (^kw ...) will expand to (lambda (k w) ...).

'short-lambda' splits the keyword into individual characters.  The first
character (usually ^ or λ) is ignored.  The other characters become the
variable names.  Underscores are treated specially: they become gensyms.



(define-module (ice-9 short-lambdas)
  #:export (^ ^_ λ_
              ^a ^b ^c ^d ^e ^f ^g ^h ^i ^j ^k ^l ^m
              ^n ^o ^p ^q ^r ^s ^t ^u ^v ^w ^x ^y ^z
              ^xy ^xyz ^ab ^abc ^uv
              λa λb λc λd λe λf λg λh λi λj λk λl λm
              λn λo λp λq λr λs λt λu λv λw λx λy λz
              λxy λxyz λab λabc λuv

(eval-when (expand)
  (define short-lambda
    (lambda (form)
      (syntax-case form ()
        ((k-id body0 body ...)
         (let* ((k-symbol (syntax->datum #'k-id))
                (k-name   (symbol->string k-symbol))
                (chars    (cdr (string->list k-name)))
                (names    (map string chars))
                (symbols  (map string->symbol names)))
           (define (sym->id sym)
             (case sym
               ((_) (car (generate-temporaries '(_))))
               (else (datum->syntax #'k-id sym))))
           (with-syntax ((ids (map sym->id symbols)))
             #'(lambda ids body0 body ...))))))))

(define-syntax-rule (define-short-lambdas k ...)
  (begin (define-syntax k short-lambda) ...))

  ^ ^_ λ_
  ^a ^b ^c ^d ^e ^f ^g ^h ^i ^j ^k ^l ^m
  ^n ^o ^p ^q ^r ^s ^t ^u ^v ^w ^x ^y ^z
  ^xy ^xyz ^ab ^abc ^uv
  λa λb λc λd λe λf λg λh λi λj λk λl λm
  λn λo λp λq λr λs λt λu λv λw λx λy λz
  λxy λxyz λab λabc λuv)

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