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Re: TCP timers and telnet

From: Tomáš Ebenlendr
Subject: Re: TCP timers and telnet
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 12:10:08 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.4

On 1 Duben 2006, 20:31, Hollis Blanchard napsal(a):
> On Apr 1, 2006, at 10:30 AM, Marco Gerards wrote:
>> "Yoshinori K. Okuji" <address@hidden> writes:
>>> On Saturday 01 April 2006 18:15, Marco Gerards wrote:
>>>> So I was thinking, why not add such functionality to GRUB 2?  It's
>>>> easy to implement with the networking code I currently have.  The
>>>> only
>>>> thing about it that sucks is that we have to implement multitheading,
>>>> kinda...
>>> I object to multithreading. It makes our life just harder. I prefer an
>>> event-driven approach as you suggested before.
>> My previous suggestion would have worked, if you didn't telnet into
>> GRUB.  The current discussion is about having multiple different GRUB
>> sessions simultaniously.  So in that case you will need locking, etc.
> What about allowing only a single telnet connection? Or multiple
> connections, but they all show the same session?
> -Hollis

I also think that multiHEADing is okay. I think there is no use for
multiUSER (and multitasking). The only thing when you don't want terminals
to "share contents" is when one of them is used for logging. So I propose
that there can be any number of terminals, and widgets (like menus,...)
should be handled by them (so there can be parallel session 80x25, 190x64,
braille and speech...), but controlling grub will be UNIsession, i.e.
selecting menu entry, typing on command line, etc. will show on all heads.

More like 'VNC' but with support for different terminal devices...

                                            Tomas 'Ebi' Ebenlendr

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