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Re: Pentium II boot failure

From: Marco Gerards
Subject: Re: Pentium II boot failure
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 12:53:56 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hollis Blanchard <address@hidden> writes:

> I pulled a Pentium II out of the closet for testing, but unfortunately
> even stock CVS failed to boot to the GRUB prompt. I did a build, then
>       ./grub-mkimage -d . -o image *.mod
>       dd if=image of=/dev/fd0
>       reboot
> That should work, right? This system just hangs with nothing on the
> screen except for the last BIOS messages, and the floppy light goes
> off. The same thing happens when I use kernel.img without adding
> modules.

This sounds like a problem Vincent has.  Anyway, it does not matter
that much.  At least it compiles, I can test if it also works.


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