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[groff] Design and Implementation of *roff

From: Mike Bianchi
Subject: [groff] Design and Implementation of *roff
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 18:21:26 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

I asked Brian Kernighan if he had recollections and/or documents from the early
days of nroff.

        Hi, Mike --

        All of the roff programs originate from Jerry Saltzer's Runoff, done for
        CTSS.  [nt]roff was unusual in having programmable layout (the trap
        mechanism).  I don't recall any place where this was all written down
        in an orderly fashion, though it's interesting and maybe some enthusiast
        could take it on.  Maybe Doug McIlroy remembers -- he did a roff-like
        program, as did I, and several others.


 Mike Bianchi
 Foveal Systems

 973 822-2085


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